What Level Should You Be at When You Travel to Bhujerba

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Many visitors come to Bhujerba to savor the open up-air parks with spectacular views but bachelor to those who live in the sky. Very rarely does anyone fall from the skycity, and curiously enough, not a unmarried death has been reported to accept resulted from such an occurrence to appointment.

Sage Knowledge 53.

The Skycity of Bhujerba is a location in the state of Ivalice in Final Fantasy XII. A floating city, information technology tries to maintain neutrality at all times, but recent events accept forced its residents to marry with the Archadian Empire.


  • i Profile
    • 1.1 Politics
    • 1.2 Dialect
  • 2 Story
  • 3 Locations
  • 4 Quests
    • four.1 Spreading rumors
    • 4.ii Hunts
    • 4.three Pilika's errand
    • 4.four Bhujerban Madhu
  • 5 Shops
    • v.1 Targe's Arms
    • v.two Rithil'due south Protectives
    • 5.three Mait'due south Magicks
    • v.4 Clio'due south Technicks
    • v.5 Street Vendors (seeq)
    • 5.6 Street Vendors (bangaa)
    • 5.7 Bashketi'due south Gambits
  • 6 Map
  • 7 Musical themes
  • 8 Other appearances
    • 8.1 Terminal Fantasy Airborne Brigade
    • 8.2 Itadaki Street
  • ix Behind the scenes
  • 10 Gallery
  • 11 References

Profile [ ]

Bhujerba is located in the Sky Continent of Dorstonis, to a higher place the Naldoan Sea. A floating urban center-state, Bhujerba thrives on the export of magicite mined in the nearby Lhusu Mines. Originally founded by moogles, who were the first pioneers of balloon travel, Bhujerba became an airship docking port and expeditions discovered more magicite mines, increasing Bhujerba's acquirement.

During the age of the Galtean Brotherhood, Firm Ondore took over the administration and initiated a system to command the magicite mining activities; by closing exhausted mines to let the magicite recover and opening new mines elsewhere. This guarantees continuous production of magicite. Information technology is rumored that should the magicite supply be wearied, Bhujerba and the rest of the Heaven Continent would descend to the surface; these rumors are yet to be proven true.

Politics [ ]

Ruled past Marquis Halim Ondore 4, Bhujerba tries to maintain its neutrality. It was the mediator betwixt Archadia and Dalmasca when they signed the peace treaty, merely have recently entered into a formal brotherhood with Archadia, although the Archadians are not supposed to have power over Bhujerba. In reality, though, Bhujerba has allied with the Resistance, in hopes of bringing down the Archadian Empire.

Dialect [ ]

The people of Bhujerba speak with an accent similar to Indian English with many of the terms being words from the Sanskrit language. The most common word is Bhadra, which is a formal address, not dissimilar the English utilise of Sir/Madam or Mr/Ms/Mrs. The city guides have the championship of Parijanah, which fittingly means "guide".

Below is a table of some Bhujerban words:

Bhujerban English language Possible Sanskrit etymology
Amba Female parent अम्बा ambā 'mother'
Bhadra Brother/friend भद्र bhadra '[someone] gracious/friendly'
Haa An interjection हा 'oh!/ah!/alas!' (expressing an outburst of a potent/sudden feeling)
Hanta Nifty! हन्त hanta 'look!/here!' or 'oh!/ah!/alas!' (expressing an attention-seeking feeling)
Kah Who कः kaḥ 'who' (this is the masculine form, the feminine is का )
Kastam Alas! कष्टम् kaṣṭam 'alas!/woe!' (expressing a pitiful/grieving feeling)
Ksudra A condescending word क्षुद्र kṣudra '[someone] modest/vile/despicable'
Madhu A wine beverage मधु madhu 'beloved' (and past association, anything sweet—including beverages such every bit mead)
Murkha Fool मूर्खः mūrkhaḥ 'fool'
Nirvana The afterlife निर्वाणम् nirvāṇam 'extinction [of life]', i.eastward. 'death' (depending on belief this is the absolute Cipher or reunion with the divine in Heaven)
Parijanah Guide परिजनः parijanaḥ 'servant/follower'
Parivir Soldier Possibly परिविर् parivir, in accordance to परिवेषः parivēṣaḥ '[something/someone] protecting [by surrounding]' (a bodyguard, for instance)
Raksas Monster राक्षसः rākṣasaḥ 'demon'(any kind of evil being, actually)
Sainikah Soldier सैनिकः sainikaḥ 'soldier'
Svagatam Welcome! स्वागतम् svāgatam 'greeting/welcome'
Tatah Father ततः tataḥ or तातः tātaḥ 'father'

Story [ ]

Penelo held convict in Bhujerba.

The party arrive at Bhujerba on Balthier's airship, the Strahl, after learning Ba'Gamnan has kidnapped Penelo and is keeping her hostage in the Lhusu Mines. Walking downward Travica Way, they are approached by a youth named Lamont, who—overhearing their discussion of Lhusu—implores they permit him bring together them on their journey. Balthier reluctantly agrees, and they head southwards to the mines.

Party meets Lamont.

They learn that they are non the merely ones with interests in Lhusu: Guess Ghis and Marquis Ondore are also in the mines, conversing of the secret affair Bhujerba has with Archadia, providing the Draklor Laboratory with magicite. The party make their way to the stop of the mines and find Ba'Gamnan, who had already permit Penelo go. The party fight him off long plenty to make an escape led by Lamont, though they lose sight of the boy in their chase.

Penelo, frightened and lost, stumbles upon the Judge and the Marquis on her manner out of the mines. Ghis is furious of having discovered an outsider in the mines full of Empire's secrets, but 'Lamont', who reveals himself as Larsa Solidor of the ruling firm of Archadia, comes to her aid every bit the rest of the political party lookout on from the shadows.

An audience with the Marquis.

The party learn Penelo has been taken to Marquis Ondore's mansion, and so they come up with a plan to make it by spreading rumors that Basch is even so alive. In gaining an audition with the Marquis, they find that Penelo, Estimate Ghis and the Resistance fighter Amalia accept all boarded the Dreadnought Leviathan. Following a silent agreement between Ondore and Basch, the Marquis calls the baby-sit and the group is captured, sending them on-lath the regal balloon so they may have a run a risk to save their friends.

The political party escape with Penelo and Ashe and make their way back to Bhujerba to Marquis Ondore's estate. Ashe wants to claim Dalmasca's throne, just cannot practise so with no proof of her lineage. She decides to get and seek out the Dawn Shard, but the Marquis does not support her plan. Ashe attempts to steal the Strahl to find the Dawn Shard herself, but is caught by Balthier and Vaan. Ashe convinces Balthier to kidnap her by promising him the treasures within Tomb of Raithwall, and then the party leave Bhujerba for the Jagd Yensa.

Spoilers cease here.

Locations [ ]

Bhujerba Khus Skygrounds.

Built onto the hilly grounds of western Dorstonis, Bhujerba is made up of narrow, steep roads with high walls that go on out the winds. Interestingly enough, the plazas that requite view of the globe below do non take whatever kind of rail, and transportation of goods is more often than not done by smaller handcarts.

Travica Way

The major promenade of Bhujerba, Travika connects the Aerodrome with the Marquis's Estate, Khus Skygrounds, Cloudborne Row and Miner'southward Cease. Wider than the normal streets and built with arches in regular distances, information technology holds the shops Rithil'south Protectives (Armor), Targe's Arms (Weapons) and Mait'southward Magicks (Magic).

Khus Skygrounds

A vast heaven-view terrace in the west that holds the Item Shop. The moogle Pilika can exist found here.

Cloudborne Row

Cloudborne Row is a fix of somewhat narrow backstreets that form a residential expanse to the northeast, surrounded by somewhat lower walls and forest, and home to the local tavern, the Cloudborne.

Miners' End

Fabricated up of streets even more narrow than Cloudborne Row, this expanse are the living quarters of a majority of Bhujerba'due south magicite miners. Bashketi'south Gambits and Clio's Technicks offering Gambits and Technicks for purchase respectively.

Kaff Terrace

Lying to the far east of the city, this heaven-view plaza is lying lower than its western counterpart.

Lhusu Square

The lowest area in Bhujerba, the entrance to the Lhusu Mines is a long and circuitous staircase, overshadowed by night rock. It is a favored meeting place for miners, who frequently buy healing supplies earlier going to piece of work.


The Bhujerba Drome is 1 of if not fifty-fifty the oldest building in Bhujerba, and sits to the west. The East Ivalice Visitor provides flights to Rabanastre and Balfonheim for 250 gil, and information technology also has docks for individual airships.

Marquis Ondore's Estate

A vast mansion and housing complex to the north of the skycity, the manor of the ruling family of Bhujerba is built onto the tallest, forested hill of the same, overlooking the city. While the smaller outbuildings house the personnel and the Marquis'due south council, the inner residence sits on the very top of the hill, in betwixt a series of five massive magicite crystal wings that give the feeling of having burst in an explosion and and then frozen over; they are meant to symbolize the great prosperity of Bhujerba.[1]

Quests [ ]

Spreading rumors [ ]

Vaan pretends to be Basch.

After escaping the Lhusu Mines the party will endeavour to attract the Marquis'southward attending by spreading rumors around town that the Marquis has been lying well-nigh Basch's execution. The player must roam around boondocks and press Square near NPCs to spread the discussion and fill a judge. The more people hear the word, the faster the judge is built. Inside shops is usually a good spot to exercise this, as well equally near the city Parijanas (the guides). However, spreading the word within earshot of a Bhujerban Sainikah (the guards) will crusade the gauge to deplete drastically.

Hunts [ ]

XII nidhogg render.png

The Nidhogg is the fifth mark to be listed in the Clan Primer and arguably the toughest Rank I Mark. The chase becomes available later Vaan has masqueraded as Basch in Bhujerba, and the party has been given permission to enter Marquis Ondore'southward estate. Nidhogg is constitute in the Transitway 1 surface area of the Lhusu Mines, and the petitioner is conveniently located right at the mines' entrance.

Diabolos is a Rank Vii Mark plant in the Site 11 area of the Lhusu Mines. The chase becomes bachelor later the events in Giruvegan. The hunt is petitioned past Miclio in Bhujerba.

Rocktoise is an Elite Marking whose chase can be undertaken after the thespian returns to Rabanastre after escaping from Barheim Passage. Rocktoise was originally a small pet named Carbo, endemic by a moogle named Pilika who works in the moogle-operated Technick shop. Pilika had besides kept a serpent named Bianca, which yet lingers within the shop. Rocktoise is hunted in the Lhusu Mines.

The Antlion is an Aristocracy Mark whose hunt becomes bachelor upon reaching Mt Bur-Omisace, then if the player wishes to fight it with Larsa in the political party, they should return to Rabanastre upon reaching the mount to accept the hunt, because Larsa will leave the party if the player proceeds further in the story. Antlion can be found in the Site nine area of the Lhusu Mines and is petitioned by Niray in Staras Residence.

Pilika'south errand [ ]

The moogle Pilika will ask Vaan to think her diary from her workplace if spoken to again, after finishing the hunt for Rocktoise. The player must go to the technick shop and volition exist given the choice to read the diary once it it establish. The histrion must render to Pilika and give her the diary, and she will ask if Vaan read it. The player must reply "I've washed goose egg" to get a Shepard's Bolero (or a Jade Collar in Zodiac Age). If the player answered "Read it" she will give a Kilimweave Shirt, an inferior reward.

Bhujerban Madhu [ ]

Map of the locations of Bhujerban Madhu and its buyers.

Bhujerban Madhu found in the Staras Residence.

After acquiring the Dawn Shard the player can revisit Bhujerba and hear about a famous liquor called Bhujerban Madhu. The player can earn 1000 gil per canteen by selling to the right buyers. The bottles are located all over Bhujerba and in that location's guaranteed to exist a heir-apparent in the same area a canteen is found. The player doesn't have to sell only i canteen to a heir-apparent—they'll pay the same price for each bottle they can get.

  • BHUJERBAN Airport
    • Bottle: On some luggage in the waiting area.
    • Heir-apparent: Man sitting on runway directly across from the canteen.
    • Bottle: Cabinet most the clerk's counter.
    • Heir-apparent: Old Shop Clerk near counter.
    • Canteen: The corner between the cases of weapons in the second floor.
    • Heir-apparent: Woman speaking with the sitting man on the ground level.
    • Bottle: Box with moogle adjacent to the street vendor.
    • Buyer: Woman leaning on the rail across from the street vendor.
    • Bottle: The street next to Street Kid at the southeast finish.
    • Heir-apparent: Guy leaning on the wall beyond from the Magick Shop.
    • Bottle: With other bottles on a table.
    • Buyer: Bhujerban Guru next to the table with bottles.
    • Canteen: Between the dressers to the right of the entrance.
    • Heir-apparent: Niray, in the middle of her dwelling (only after completing the Antlion hunt).
    • Canteen: On the stacked boxes in aisle below Staras Residence.
    • Buyer: Human talking to passed out bangaa in front of Cloudborne entrances
    • Canteen: Table closest to the bar.
    • Heir-apparent: Magu, the seeq sitting in alcove between the exits.
  • LHUSU Square
    • Bottle: On the edge of the puddle before entrance to the mines.
    • Heir-apparent: Miner sitting side by side to the seeq street vendor.
    • Canteen: Bookshelf in the upper floor.
    • Buyer: Seeq shop clerk on the same floor.
    • Bottle: Crates side by side to the Gambit Shop.
    • Buyer: Bangaa miner south of the Gambit Shop.
    • Bottle: Next to the seeq sitting near the top of the stairs.
    • Buyer: Adult female northward of the stairs, standing at the edge.
    • Canteen: Box between the counter and the stairs.
    • Buyer: Shop clerk standing in the middle of the shop.

Shops [ ]

The items bachelor for buy change throughout the game. These items may non all exist available at the same fourth dimension.

Targe's Artillery [ ]

Particular Cost
Fe Sword 1,250 gil
Osafune i,300 gil
Spear 1,300 gil
Aevis Killer 1,250 gil
Broadaxe one,600 gil
Bronze Mace 1,100 gil
Crimson Staff 800 gil
After Ba'Gamnan in Lhusu Mines
Zwill Bract 1,800 gil
Partisan ii,300 gil
Battle Bamboo 2,310 gil
Vega 1,400 gil
Assassinator'due south Dagger 1,920 gil
Crossbow 1,900 gil
Serpent Rod 1,250 gil
After Ondore'due south Estate
Ancient Sword 2,450 gil
Kogarasumaru two,500 gil
Musk Stick 3,040 gil
Killer Bow 2,500 gil
War Hammer ii,500 gil
Bhuj ii,200 gil
Wizard's Staff ane,350 gil

Rithil'southward Protectives [ ]

Mait'southward Magicks [ ]

Clio's Technicks [ ]

Street Vendors (seeq) [ ]

Street Vendors (bangaa) [ ]

Bashketi's Gambits [ ]

Proper noun Price
Ally: any 50 gil
Ally: party leader 50 gil
Ally: HP < eighty% l gil
Ally: HP < 70% 50 gil
Ally: HP < sixty% 50 gil
Ally: HP < fifty% fifty gil
Ally: HP < 40% l gil
Ally: HP < xxx% fifty gil
Ally: HP < xx% 50 gil
Ally: MP < eighty% 50 gil
Ally: MP < 70% 50 gil
Ally: MP < sixty% 50 gil
Ally: MP < 50% 50 gil
Ally: MP < 40% fifty gil
Marry: MP < xxx% 50 gil
Marry: MP < 20% 50 gil
Ally: status = Sleep 50 gil
Marry: status = Misfile fifty gil
Ally: status = HP Disquisitional 50 gil
Foe: any fifty gil
Foe: targeting leader 100 gil
Foe: targeting self 100 gil
Foe: targeting ally 100 gil
Foe: HP = 100% 50 gil
Foe: HP ≧ 70% 50 gil
Foe: HP ≧ 50% 50 gil
Foe: HP ≧ 30% 50 gil
Foe: status = Sleep 50 gil
Foe: status = Oil fifty gil
Foe: status = Disable l gil
Foe: status = Immobilize 50 gil
Foe: status = Reverberate l gil
Foe: condition = HP Critical fifty gil
Foe: flight 100 gil
Cocky 50 gil
After obtaining Dawn Shard
Ally: HP < 100% 50 gil
Ally: HP < 90% 50 gil
Ally: HP < 10% 50 gil
Ally: MP < 100% fifty gil
Ally: MP < ninety% 50 gil
Ally: MP < ten% fifty gil
Ally: condition = Stop lxx gil
Ally: condition = Reverse 50 gil
Ally: status = Irksome 50 gil
Ally: status = Lure 50 gil
Ally: condition = Reflect 50
Marry: status = Berserk 50 gil
Marry: item AMT ≧ 10 100 gil
Foe: furthest 50 gil
Foe: nearest fifty gil
Foe: HP ≧ one,000 50 gil
Foe: HP ≧ 500 l gil
Foe: HP < 1,000 50 gil
Foe: HP < 500 50 gil
Foe: status = Blind 50 gil
Foe: status = Silence fifty gil
Foe: status = Reverse 50 gil
Foe: undead 100 gil
Foe: graphic symbol HP = 100% 100 gil
Foe: item AMT ≧ 10 300 gil
Afterward defeating Judge Bergan
Ally: lowest HP 50 gil
Ally: strongest weapon fifty gil
Ally: lowest defense 50 gil
Marry: lowest magick resist 50 gil
Foe: highest HP 50 gil
Foe: everyman HP 50 gil
Foe: highest max HP 50 gil
Foe: lowest max HP l gil
Foe: highest MP fifty gil
Foe: lowest MP fifty gil
Foe: highest max MP 50 gil
Foe: lowest max MP 50 gil
Foe: highest level 50 gil
Foe: everyman level 50 gil
Foe: highest strength 50 gil
Foe: everyman strength 50 gil
Foe: highest magick ability 50 gil
Foe: everyman magick power 50 gil
Foe: highest speed 50 gil
Foe: lowest speed 50 gil
Foe: highest defense fifty gil
Foe: highest magick resist fifty gil
Foe: HP ≧ three,000 l gil
Foe: HP ≧ two,000 50 gil
Foe: HP < iii,000 50 gil
Foe: HP < two,000 50 gil
Foe: status = Protect l gil
Foe: condition = Beat 50 gil
Foe: condition = Haste 50 gil
Foe: status = Bravery l gil
Foe: status = Religion 50 gil
Foe: character status = Blind 100 gil
Foe: graphic symbol status = Silence 100 gil
Foe: character status = HP Critical 100 gil
Foe: character MP ≧ 90% 100 gil
Foe: graphic symbol MP ≧ 70% 100 gil
Foe: character MP ≧ 50% 100 gil
Foe: character MP ≧ 30% 100 gil
Foe: grapheme MP ≧ ten% 100 gil
Foe: character MP < 90% 100 gil
Foe: character MP < 70% 100 gil
Foe: character MP < fifty% 100 gil
Foe: character MP < 30% 100 gil
Foe: character MP < 10% 100 gil
Foe: character HP ≧ 90% 100 gil
Foe: grapheme HP ≧ 70% 100 gil
Foe: character HP ≧ 50% 100 gil
Name Cost
Foe: character HP ≧ thirty% 100 gil
Foe: graphic symbol HP ≧ 10% 100 gil
Foe: character HP < 90% 100 gil
Foe: character HP < seventy% 100 gil
Foe: character HP < l% 100 gil
Foe: character HP < 30% 100 gil
Foe: graphic symbol HP < x% 100 gil
After visiting Draklor Laboratory
Ally: status = KO fifty gil
Ally: condition = Stone 50 gil
Marry: condition = Petrify 50 gil
Ally: status = Doom 50 gil
Ally: status = Blind 50 gil
Ally: status = Poison 50 gil
Marry: status = Silence 50 gil
Ally: status = Sap 50 gil
Ally: status = Oil 50 gil
Ally: status = Disable 50 gil
Ally: status = Immobilize 50 gil
Marry: condition = Illness fifty gil
Ally: status = Protect 50 gil
Ally: status = Shell 50 gil
Ally: status = Haste 50 gil
Ally: status = Bravery 50 gil
Ally: status = Faith l gil
Ally: condition = Invisible 50 gil
Ally: status = Regen 50 gil
Ally: condition = Float 50 gil
Marry: condition = Chimera 50 gil
Foe: HP ≧ ten,000 50 gil
Foe: HP ≧ v,000 50 gil
Foe: HP < x,000 l gil
Foe: HP < 5,000 50 gil
Foe: status = Petrify 50 gil
Foe: status = Stop 50 gil
Foe: status = Confuse fifty gil
Foe: status = Doom 50 gil
Foe: status = Poisonous substance 50 gil
Foe: condition = Sap 50 gil
Foe: status = Tiresome 50 gil
Foe: status = Illness 50 gil
Foe: status = Regen fifty gil
Foe: status = Berserk 50 gil
Foe: grapheme status = Bravery 100 gil
Foe: character status = Faith 100
Self: HP < 100% 50 gil
Self: HP < 90% 50 gil
Cocky: HP < 80% 50 gil
Self: HP < 70% fifty gil
Self: HP < 60% fifty gil
Self: HP < 50% l gil
Self: HP < 40% 50 gil
Cocky: HP < 30% 50 gil
Self: HP < xx% fifty gil
Self: HP < 10% 50 gil
Cocky: MP < 100% 50 gil
Self: MP < xc% 50 gil
Self: MP < 80% 50 gil
Self: MP < lxx% 50 gil
Cocky: MP < 60% fifty gil
Self: MP < 50% 50 gil
Self: MP < twoscore% 50 gil
Self: MP < 30% l gil
Self: MP < 20% fifty gil
Cocky: MP < 10% 50 gil
Self: condition = Petrify 50 gil
Cocky: status = Doom 50 gil
Self: condition = Bullheaded 50 gil
Cocky: status = Poison fifty gil
Cocky: status = Silence 50 gil
Cocky: status = Sap l gil
Self: status = Oil 50 gil
Self: condition = Reverse 50 gil
Self: status = Immobilize l gil
Self: status = Dull 50 gil
Self: status = Disease 50 gil
Self: status = Lure fifty gil
Cocky: status = Protect 50 gil
Cocky: status = Beat out l gil
Self: status = Haste fifty gil
Self: status = Bravery 50 gil
Self: condition = Faith 50 gil
Cocky: status = Reflect 50 gil
Cocky: status = Invisible l gil
Self: status = Regen 50 gil
Cocky: condition = Bladder 50 gil
Cocky: status = Bubble 50 gil
Cocky: status = HP Critical 50 gil
Afterwards receiving Treaty-Blade
Foe: HP ≧ 100,000 l gil
Foe: HP ≧ 50,000 50 gil
Foe: HP < 100,000 50 gil
Foe: HP < 50,000 50 gil
Foe: fire-weak 500 gil
Foe: lightning-weak 500 gil
Foe: ice-weak 500 gil
Foe: earth-weak 500 gil
Foe: h2o-weak 500 gil
Foe: wind-weak 500 gil
Foe: holy-weak 500 gil
Foe: dark-weak 500 gil
Foe: fire-vulnerable 250 gil
Foe: lightning-vulnerable 250 gil
Foe: ice-vulnerable 250 gil
Foe: earth-vulnerable 250 gil
Foe: water-vulnerable 250 gil
Foe: current of air-vulnerable 250 gil
Foe: holy-vulnerable 250 gil
Foe: nighttime-vulnerable 250 gil

Map [ ]

The map can be bought from a Cartographer's Order moogle in Travica Style or Lhusu Square for seventy gil.

Map 03 Bhujerba.png

Musical themes [ ]

"The Skycity of Bhujerba" from Final Fantasy XII


The music in Bhujerba is the eponymous rail "The Skycity of Bhujerba". A piano organization of the theme is included on the Piano Collections: Final Fantasy XII album.

Other appearances [ ]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade [ ]

Castle Cornelia PS.gif This section about a location in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade is empty or needs to be expanded. You can assist the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Itadaki Street [ ]

Bhujerba in Itadaki Street Portable.

The Skycity of Bhujerba appears in Itadaki Street Portable as an surface area. The Strahl can be seen in the background.

The Skycity of Bhujerba returns in Itadaki Street Mobile as a phase.

Behind the scenes [ ]

Sage Knowledge states that Clan Diatroma is located here.

In Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, the player tin can larn the job Parivir. Information technology is likewise mentioned Parivirs came from western part of Ivalice.

Miclio, the petitioner for the Diabolos Chase, tin be seen with another hat-wearing child running effectually Bhujerba earlier the hunt becomes available. After Diabolos is defeated he explains that children in Bhujerba no longer habiliment hats because of the stories virtually Diabolos, confirming the two children around the skycity are ghosts.

Since the Japanese text for Final Fantasy XII lacked specific accents, the localizers had to derive them from the Ivalician mannerisms and civilization. To avert stereotypical Indian accents for Bhujerba, a Sri Lankan accent was chosen.[2] The written language in Bhujerba is flavored with borrowings from Sanskrit in the style that Indian speakers of English retain words from Hindi to realistically portray Bhujerba as a nation colonized by the empire.[3]

Gallery [ ]

References [ ]

  1. Last Fantasy XII: Dialogue with a Bhujerba Guard reveals the significant behind the crystal wings of the mansion.
  2. EDGE #278 Tale of Tales Meet Alexander O Smith the translator who's brought some of Japan's biggest RPGs to the West p. 94
  3. Learned, John (2015, October 12). "A Voice for Ivalice: The Localization and Vocalization Interim of Concluding Fantasy XII". From US Gamer. Archived from the original on 6 October 2019.

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